Dearest ones, As the summer fades away and we welcome a new phase ahead, things seem to be falling into place, as we continue the trend initiated a few months ago: slowing down, so we can be more. It is sometimes a strange feeling to realise, how those things we have been working towards and creating for ourselves are actually happening, for real. It’s even more difficult to pin point the exact turning point when events started unfolding towards that outcome. Regardless of those calls for certainty, what’s been really important is to trust, in oneself and the inner capacity that lives within us to co create with life itself. As I was reminded in a beautiful exhibition called "Feminine power", earth’s force is unstoppable and works in mysterious ways, ways our human brains cannot always comprehend. And that’s what the magic comes into place. Trusting in oneself, in the unknown, in that whatever comes our way is for our best interest, so there is no need to control, to worry or to feel anxious about it. For those who carry narratives around ‘working hard’ or ‘getting things done’ or even recognising themselves as ‘high-achievers’ this will be hard work, to unravel all that meaning so attached to their identities and giving ourselves the choice to be different, to operate from a control-free space where trust reigns. And it’s possible. Me and a lot of my clients are the living example of it. We are embracing a more being and less doing paradigm, to even generate more of what truly matters to us!
In the meantime, transitioning to our new stop, closing this current phase, with deep gratitude, happiness and hope for what’s coming our way.
Honouring all these forces of life who came before us and live within us, waiting to be explored, integrated and embodied for the greatest good of all
AND KEEP READING because we have TWO incredible announcements to share with you!
With all my love and gratitude,
Monica x