Hello September! Lovely to reconnect with you all after a much needed break during the summer. So much going on and so little time to process and make sense of it.
One of the many things that stood up during this time of "slowing down" was the non-sense pace I was going on in life. What for? A very close friend of mine and teacher peer passed away unexpectedly (in her early 40's) which really reminded me of how naive we are thinking that our time on this planet is unlimited.
As much as I love what I do, there a different way I engage with - not from a place of need, greed or addition - but from a place of fullness, love and worthiness. And by the time I wrote our last newsletter, I didn't have anything else to give. My tank was empty. And I felt the most regretful I have felt in years.
The issue was in prioritising the short term, the quick turn-around and wins instead of being in the game for the long run. I decided I wanted to focus on what gives me meaning and fulfilment - acknowledging that both of those drives are in constant revision and reinvention.
With that, a reevaluation of my values came through as well as a very difficult decision to let go what didn't make sense, what didn't feel right, despite the commitments, the agreements and the weight in my shoulders - people depending on it, people's opinions, people's perceptions - PEOPLE - but if I kept saying yes to others and denying my own needs - saying no to me - I would end up in the same angry, regret and despise for myself.
Coming to terms with change, with making decisions that don't allow us to grasp what's around the corner yet, but offer us an opportunity to develop trust in our intuition and ourselves, because they come from us, from our heart. Developing trust in our own senses.
It is with this bittersweet feeling that we, I want to share that my group classes will come to and end by the end of September - for now - as I focus on one to one work - coaching, mentoring and healing - keeping our beautiful Conscious Community alive and growing hoping that those who know me will understand. This time I will be retrieving to one to one work and most importantly to my one to one work, with the hope that it will allow new projects, ideas and gifts to flourish. This focus on my growth, my family and the lessons ahead of me will provide the refreshed experience and wisdom needed to bring back to the group and community, once they have been integrated. Unless you walk the path first, you can't show the way to those that come after you. Thank you so much for your understanding. Please read below to the final dates for group classes and new announcements coming your way: September gathering for our Conscious Community and special combo offering for those interested in Energy Healing. With all my love and gratitude, Monica x